Passionate, Joyful and Peaceful Masseur Teacher
Allround massage training at Massage in Beweging in Alphen aan den Rijn, Deep Tissue Massage at Libosan, Reiki at Lydia van der Bie opleidingen, Deep Muscular Techniques at Alex van der Bilt opleidingen, cupping massage at IMAS trainingen, Anatomy Trains at, tantric massage at Healing Movements and Awaking Zenses, hot stone massage at Zonnevlecht opleidingen.
3 words that describe me
Passionate, joyful and peaceful
Follow the Flow, it will get you anywhere
Why I teach
I’m passionate about my job and truly love give massages. I like to share my knowledge and insights with anyone who wants to share that passion. Im truly convinced that massage can help people connect with themselves and others and thus will contribute not only to their wellbeing, but also to world peace in general.
Secret super skill
I'm annoyingly patient ;-)